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About Us


to the Association of the Church of God of Southern California and Nevada. We are so glad you’ve entered our site. Whether you are a member of one of our churches or just checking us out, our prayer is that you’ll find what you need. We would also love to connect with you personally. If you have a question that our website cannot answer, or if you want to speak with us directly, feel free to call us toll-free at (877)360-5025. You may also email us at office@acogscn.org. May the Lord richly bless you.
Regional Pastor

Kerwin Manning

Kerwin Manning is the Regional Pastor for The Association of the Church of God of Southern California and Southern Nevada. He also serves as the “Head Coach”/Senior Pastor at Pasadena Church…the church with no limits! This vibrant multi-racial, multi-ethnic church is actively pursuing the purposes of God as they shepherd their community and serve the nations. Kerwin’s energetic worship leading and dynamic speaking has allowed him to minister in an array of settings around the globe. From college campuses to international conventions, he has a god-given gift of ushering people into the presence of God. Born and raised in Toledo, Ohio, Kerwin completed his undergraduate work at Anderson University, Anderson, Indiana with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion. He is a former President of the National Inspirational Youth Convention (“NIYC”) of the Church of God. NIYC is one of the largest youth conventions in the United States that ministers to approximately 6,000 delegates annually. He has also served the local and national church in several other capacities. He currently serves as a board member for Church of God Ministries and Pasadena Christian School. Kerwin has been the Chair of the Clergy Community Coalition of Greater Pasadena(CCC) since 2011. He is also involved in several other initiatives that promote a stronger community. Since Easter 2001 Kerwin has led Pasadena Church along with his wife and partner in ministry, Madelyn, who is also a very gifted communicator and anointed psalmist. They are actively celebrating 31 years of marital bliss together and have two beautiful teenage daughters, Madison Denise(23) is a risingSenior at Howard University and Morgan Danielle(14)…who is waiting for them in Heaven.
Office Administrator

Evelyn Morse

Evelyn Morse is the new Office Administrator for the Association. She has spent many years working in corporate America. Evelyn also comes to us as an experienced executive assistant and leader. She and her husband, Juan have been married since 2005 and are both Deacons at Pasadena Church. Evelyn is a graceful and articulate communicator who is dedicated to helping the Pastors, leaders, and churches of the ACOGSCN.

Admin Board

Kris Reed
Senior Pastor, College Park Church of God, Long Beach

1st Vice President
Janet Werdowatz
Senior Pastor, The Waters Church, San Diego

2nd Vice President
John Hernandez
Senior Pastor, Whittier Church of God

Brent Miller
Sr. Pastor Culver City Church of God